This project improves communication skills for autistic patients using Tanvas Haptic Technology that allows users to feel textures on a touch screen. Speaking Sensibly was inspired by the dedicated individual with diverse needs who face various setbacks navigating our world. We want to do our part to allow everyone a chance at having the freedom to communicate and interact with those around them as well as helping to provide a better understanding of the world these people live in.
The web application portion of the project is intended to be a analytics tool for the care-givers. To build this, utilize node.js, express.js and Angular 2. As of now, this project can simply run the following commands on the "web" branch of our GitHub repository to run the web application: npm install npm start The mobile application was programmed with Swift, using sliding features on the content selection as well as the individual communication content that will later on link up with the Tanvas technology to provide a textured experience for the individual..
Speaking Sensibly aims to provide partially verbal and non-verbal individuals with an opportunity to communicate within their communities and allow these individuals' caregivers to be able to track their progress. One part of this project is a iOS communication device that allows users to communicate using picture, verbal, and text indicators in a portable manner. Moreover, by combining multiple sensory stimuli, namely touch, sight, and sound, this mobile application works in order to reinforce the individual's speech choices helping with learning as well. The second element of this project is a web application that allows an individual's caregiver, such as teachers or parents, to track the individual's progress with communication using the mobile app and will provide analytic data about the connections that are being made through the mobile app.
More details of this project can be found on it's Devpost
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