
These are the people that help my development skills grow. These are the experts I turn to and I want to share them with you.


Here are a few I've worked on projects with, but of course there are countless others.

Inspired by my friend Ezra.

  • All Categories
  • Software Engineers
  • Designers

Ezra Ablaza

Full Stack Engineer
Escrima Enthusiast

Carlin Au

Software Engineer
Hacker at Heart

Toni Au

Frontend Developer
Hackahton and Food Guru

Heman Gandhi

Full Stack Engineer
Program Synthesis Research and Certified Nerd

Alex Jia

VR, Game, And DevOps Engineer
Virual Reality and Unity Master

Roopeswar Kommalapati

ML Engineer
Algorithms and AI Sifu

Juzer Nomani

Software Engineer
"Alexa, open Khajoori"

SaraAnn Stanway

Software Engineer
Tech Community Leader and Diversity Activist

Amena Tyebji

UI UX Designer
Sketch Wizard

Contact Me

Let's do a project!


Greater New York Area