about myself

I am an iOS Developer in the Greater New York Area with the hopes of building projects that you carry in your pocket.

I am currently working on various projects for businesses, nonprofit organizations, medical organizations, and of course some good ole tomfoolery.

M o r e I n f o R e s u m e

Experience History

A couple of places I learned some valuable skills.

Lead iOS Developer

NBC News, New York

Developing on the NBC News, MSNBC, TODAY and CNBC iOS, tvOS, and VisionPro applications on the platforms product team for the consumer facing applications of 1M+ session and network calls.

Lead iOS Developer

CNBC, New Jersey

Developing on the CNBC tvOS application on the emerging media product team for the consumer facing applications of 1M+ session and network calls.

Lead iOS Developer


Verizon, New Jersey

Developing and managing B2B business critical applications on iOS and Android for support services and applications with 1M requests per day as well as handling UAT and Production releases.

Lead iOS Developer


United Software Consultants, New Jersey

Creating an iOS application that handles DNS queries using Swift and CFNetwork to check statuses and health for administrative services and applications

iLab Assistant

Rutgers Univeristy-New Brunswick, NJ

Administrating various Centos7 machines for 1000+ Computers Science students at Rutgers University. Guide 100+ students per week for the Computer Science Department for Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Systems Programming and various other courses

Software Instructor

Warren, New Jersey

Lead classroom development and course enhancement as well as teaching students ranging from 4th grade to 8th grade iOS Development, Java, and Python.

Teaching Assistant

Rutgers Graduate School of Education, NJ

Guide classroom development and assist in grading and assessing Data Structures and other various OOP concepts written in Python for 60+ students.

Lead Mobile App Developer

iconectiv, New Jersey

Tasked with presenting top-level executive management with the briefing on latest trends in technologies with the Mobile Development platforms.

Latest Works

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Here are the different skills utilized for creating mobile applications

UI/UX Design

Design using Sketch and Photoshop as well as conforming to Apple Human User Interface Guidlines

Application Development

Xcode IDE, Swiftlint, Jazzy, and of course various Design Patterns

Quality Assurance

Instruments and XCUnit Tests


Core Data, Realm, and SQLite

Contact Me

Let's do a project!



Greater New York Area